Thursday, July 2, 2009

Shots without the hangover

Well hi there....

So I have been painting everyday for a while now, as much to calm the demons ( stupid demons), as to release the creative energy, and the pictures trapped in my soul.

Not to worry my loyal miniature lovers, I am still painting the Little's as well, they just take longer.....

So one of the things I like most about art is how everyone see's something different. As I'm an abstract artist for the most part, people really see different things in my stuff. I think it might be because I'm totally crazy, or it could be some weird Rorschach inspired, personality telling, psychological rule, that you have to know in your 1st year psych classes, then you forget it, as you stuff your brain with other golden bit's of wisdom. Anyway, I digressed........ sorry.

So for this post I have another guest photog.....

Pictures courtesy of the lens of Mr. Relax.....

More coming soon. I now have batteries ( just a little update for my peeps in the know), so watch out retinas, because I'm going to be coming at you soon, with something cool....


Still Saw till they take it away from me......


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